Sunrise to Sunset

I’ve been in "it" lately. In a vat of emotional turmoil. Emotions are not my forte. I find emotions more exhausting than climbing a mountain. I’ve been sleeping for about 14 hours every day for the past three days, my digestion has been a mess and I have been crying (a lot). But today the tide changed, the sun came out, the air felt warm, my spirit was lifted.


The more darkness I can release the more light I can let in. And that is my ultimate goal, light– love, gratitude, kindness and joy. I am stepping out of the muck today and returning to trust. 

I was triggered big time this week when one of my absolute dearest loved ones who lives on the other side of the planet got in a paragliding accident. I am stoked to report he is recovering well, but it was a real doozy! I am a Taurus, a bull, a problem solver, a pragmatic actionist. But in this scenario there is absolutely nothing I can physically do for him. This is a challenging hand for me to be dealt. So that has had me pretty jammed up. And then there is the good old state of the modern world where everyone seems to have an opinion about everything and it has me all knotted up inside. All these opinions are creating so much segregation and friction. I feel done with it. I am once again making a stance to choose light. To choose love. To come back to the knowing that there is something much bigger, grander and more magnificent unfolding in these moments than current events and hot topics. I choose to do my damn best to love all beings. To me it is more important to be kind than it is to be right. The more darkness I can release the more light I can let in. And that is my ultimate goal, light: love, gratitude, kindness and joy. I am stepping out of the muck today and returning to trust. 


There were a few key things that really helped me shift over the past few days, because honestly it has been a process. 

How to step out of the emotional muck:

  • Give yourself permission to feel it all.

  • Practice patience and compassion with self.

  • Trust you will move through it.

  • Take time to be quiet and still.

  • Be present for the change of light (or the changing of the guards as I call it).

  • Get outside for as long as possible.

  • Get your feet on/in Earth.

  • If there is turmoil with an individual write them a soulful letter.

  • Use the power of the elements particularly fire. Make yourself a fire and offer it what you want to let go of and what you want to attract in. I like to write them down on a piece of paper and watch them physically transform right in front of my eyes.

  • Reach out to spiritual guides in the flesh and beyond. Sit with them, talk to them, ask them for help, welcome their assistance. There are so many dear ones looking out for us; friends, family, deceased loved ones, ancestors, angels, animals, plants and those that we have never met but care about us and want to help.


Use the power of the elements particularly fire. Make yourself a fire and offer it what you want to let go of and what you want to attract in. I like to write them down on a piece of paper and watch them physically transform right in front of my eyes.


I spent the whole day outside from 7am - 7pm. I simply couldn’t get enough. I woke with the sun, ran with the rays, took a nap with the birds, cooked food over the fire, taught a Zoom Yoga session surrounded by snow, went for a walks, took pictures, talked on the phone, meditated, wrote, and made snow art. All outside, all with gratitude and curiosity. I was present. Present with the birds flying by, the melting snow and the occasional wind gust, and with the change of light externally and internally. 


I know these times are so challenging for all of us and we are learning how to navigate in a world we have never known. It is tricky business. I feel you and I am sending you light and I want to take a moment to thank you. Recently writing and photography have been my most helpful creative outlets. Thank you for sharing this experience with me. Thank you for being alive right now. Thank you for any and all love you give and receive in your life.


Till next time, live love and rock on,
