Lost In Time Somewhere in Maine...

There’s moments in life when it all slips away… time, agenda, expectation, responsibility, story, and worry. I give myself the opportunity to drop into this state everyday through meditation but recently I have been lucky enough to experience it for an extended period of time.

Out on an island off mid-coast Maine I found bliss in the simple life. Ten days in a primitive cabin (and some nights a tent) surrounded by 55° water and gaggles of gulls. Being fully removed from society, consumerism, news and pandemics with no stores, restaurants, hotels, gas stations, minimal cars and dirt roads, I felt free! This two mile chunk of gorgeous land sits twenty-two miles out to sea but it feels like it is a world away. Here I explored via foot and bike and crossed the island every other day to fetch clean drinking water. In those ten days I lost track of time because it simply didn’t matter. My days were dictated by things much more important and pure then digital clocks and Gregorian calendars. I was living in flow with the moon and the sun, the tides and the weather. I ate when I was hungry, slept when I was tired, walked along the coast when the tide was low, snorkeled the cold water when the tide was high, stargazed the night and read in the rain. I had time to explore things like grass weaving, making natural paints & dissecting plants, giving all of my creations back to Mother Nature as a sign of reciprocity. In this time I found the natural wonders both internally and externally. 


I recognize that I am beyond blessed for this life, these experiences, my health and freedom. And I am eternally grateful for the magnificent friendships that enable these experiences. This past trip would not have been possible if I did not listen to a call from the universe twelve years ago. In 2009 I went out on a limb and took a job as a surf instructor at an all women’s surf school in Maine and happened to give a lesson to a true soul sister. Over the past decade our kinship has grown closer and thanks to this incredible, talented, mystical, generous being I have a second family in Maine. Whether we are near or far through the years we are always there for each other in spirit and heart, processing the hard stuff, celebrating the growth, laughing in joy and adventuring whenever possible. My life is more grand, expensive and vibrant because of this magical being. Thank you Z.

I choose to live my life based on trust and divine intervention. It is not necessarily easy on the nerves or for others to watch, but it is always an adventure. Prior to coming up to Maine this year I gave up my car and due to the state of the world I was not keen to fly, therefore I did not know how I would get to Maine, when I would depart, how long I would stay for, but I did know I would get there. And sure enough, yet again, another magical fairy goddess sister pulled through. This enchanted leprechaun wanted to go on a timely adventure for a few days to drop me off and break free of the mundane. Thank you Kree

Now the time is nearing for me to head back to PA, to squeeze my loved ones, tend gardens, make pottery and be in my beloved Minimus Tiny House. But once again I’m not sure what this will look like, a road trip with a friend, a very long bike ride, a cargo ship, a sailboat, who knows! We will just have to wait and see what the universe has in store for me. I will just continue living, believing and loving.

I guess the moral of the story is to be open, take chances, trust the universe and be curious. Live the adventure however possible, whenever possible because at the end of the day our lives are only meant for one thing, TO LIVE!

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