Wonder Woman: Hilary Peirce


Hopefully we are lucky enough in this life to make human connections that help us to grow in a supportive, accepting, loving manner. And this next up Wonder️ Woman is just that playful, helpful, joyful being. Meet Hilary Peirce. We are currently driving together across this beautiful country taking in the goodness (and trust me there is a lot available). She is a creative powerhouse and heart warrior. Check her out! In-joy


Now, my life is my art. There is no separation. I am happily creating and sharing what I’ve learned.


When I arrived on earth, I was already imprinted with my mother’s appreciation of beauty, and my father’s spirit for adventure. So, you could say, I was born a "wonder woman", in the sense that the word, “wonder”, is defined by a feeling of surprise, mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, or inexplicable. You could say that wonder is a guiding principle for living a life of presence, joy, generosity and gratitude. That’s how I am approaching life these days. I’ve learned that the brass ring is no big prize and the simple things in life are the most precious of all. I can say this now, because I have lived differently, painfully differently. 


For years, I lived unknowingly influenced by the trauma of childhood sexual abuse, emotional abuse and insecurity. My only hope for being accepted and cared for was to abandon myself and be what others wanted me to be. I did this for quite a while. I closeted my creative being, set aside my love of art and got a job in corporate America. I also used substances to ease the nagging discomfort and angst that was ever present; a remnant of childhood trauma. I replaced the drugs and alcohol a little later with extreme sports and became a hard-core mountain biker. Mountain biking appealed to my sense of adventure and I went at it hard. It was good for a while, 25 years to be exact, but ultimately the sport took a physical toll on my body that was overwhelming. 


Ten years ago, I left my corporate job with the intention of living a creative life infused with wonder and spiritual practice and inspiration from nature and beautiful people. I reconnected with my art and creative life.



Ten years ago, I left my corporate job with the intention of living a creative life infused with wonder and spiritual practice and inspiration from nature and beautiful people. I reconnected with my art and creative life. I studied the Buddha-dharma, and went to India to learn about Buddhist arts and culture. I trained as a mindfulness meditation teacher at the Mindfulness Institute at Jefferson University. I spent glorious hours, weeks, months in nature, quiet, receptive, a part of the living web of life!. And, I found yoga. And through yoga I found Mesa, her skillful guidance and the yoga practice nourished my heart, mind and body.


Now, my life is my art. There is no separation. I am happily creating and sharing what I’ve learned. I offer workshops called, “Playful Being” that bring creativity together with embodied meditative practices for healing and insights and joy. I teach meditation and lead meditation groups to help people resource themselves by connecting with the heart/mind in this way. And, I am exhibiting my art and enjoying sharing this experience with others. Mostly, I approach each day with awe and wonder, relishing in the awesomeness of a butterfly… a mud puddle… a soft giggle. And, still, the heart can be heavy, even now, knowing the suffering and hardship of living beings and nature in our time. That is when I sit quietly and rest in the field of loving-awareness knowing my goodness and grateful for this chance to walk on the earth as a whole-hearted human being.


Please reach out if you would like to tell your Wonder️ Woman empowerment story or know some who would. We must share the power️.