Mesa Adventure Update


The space where the land meets the sea seems to be the place where my soul feels most free.

There’s something I so deeply love about being guided by nature’s rhythm, listening to the season, weather, sun, swell, wind and tides feels so comforting and important to me. Nature just does what she needs to do no matter what anyone else thinks, inconvenience is not a consideration of hers. She takes care of herself, heals, repairs, gives, changes, grows and evolves on her timeline. And I am beginning to feel her great reflection within myself. 


Like most humans alive in these times I’ve been having a lot of emotions, many that I do not have much experience with. I am changing and growing emotionally and learning how to navigate the new terrain. Some days I get lost in confusion and heart ache. I feel sad and weary, depressed, lonely, anxious and fearful. Other days I feel so damn empowered, deeply connected, wild and free.


I have spent the last few days walking the edge where the land meets the sea, I deeply reconnected with my true nature and the fierce, undeniable light that runs through me. I have found a new sense of ownership over my own life, sheer gratitude to have the opportunity to occupy space as soul in human form. I feel so blessed to have working organs, able limbs, a conscious mind and an open heart. And I am currently celebrating it! We so often verbalize when we are not feeling good, talking about our struggles, worries, ailments and hardships and though they are valid and need to be processed, digested and released we need to also take the time to verbalize, share and bask in our blessings everyday.  


I have more clearly come to see that my character at its core is a “helper”, no matter what angle I look from, self study, astrology, numerology, human design, enneagram, spirit animals, you name it “helper” is the underlying theme. Up until this point in my life I have seen it as a value that needs to be outwardly expressed, specifically to family, friends, community and planet. My sense of self worth has been greatly wrapped up in external service. I have deemed it selfish to give that same “help” and attention to myself and have felt a sense of deep guilt for taking up space or putting myself first. There has been a strong imbalance within me that has manifested itself negatively in many ways for many years.


WelI, I am happy to report that I am recalibrating and finding new scenes of self and balance. F@%* the guilt, it is not helpful to anyone. And it is not selfish to take incredible care of ourselves, it is actually the most bad-ass, kind, inspiring, sustainable, powerful, helpful thing we can do. So, I am choosing to do it. I freakin’ love me. I love feeding me, exercising me, talking to me and caring for me. I deeply respect my body, mind, heart and soul and will do everything in power to help conserve and preserve it. I am having fun with it and lemme tell ya, it feels damn good! I am no longer neglecting my own mind, body, heart or most importantly my soul. And this is where I believe we most often get it wrong in our modern culture. We lose relationship with our soul, our light, our one-of-a-kindness, that uniqueness that makes only you, you and only me, me. We need to nurture our souls!


How I have been nurturing my soul:

  • Mermaiding

    I have been blessed to be by the ocean for the past month and am seriously soaking it in everyday by swimming, diving, floating or my new fav... solo, low-tide coastal walks. It’s got me all jazzed up and feeling like me! Around every corner is a new adventure. It might be a leisurely stroll past a colorful tidal pool, or a massive rock I have to scramble over, a narrow passage to wade through, or a section where I need to get in the water and swim. It is such a beautifully dynamic practice of mindfulness, flexibility and trust.

  • Creativity

    I rarely travel with art supplies because it forces me to use what naturally presents itself whether that’s metallic shards, paint pens and pastels, copper and sea glass or shells and stones. The joy of creating without a set expectation or outcome is liberating.

  • Nutrition

    Recently I have been upping my game in the department of self-care, diet, exercise, sleep, sunlight, hydration, ocean and soil time, laughing, Yoga, meditation, resting and adding support with herbs, supplements and essential oils

  • Reading

    Do your soul a favor and pick up Soulcraft by Bill Plotkin


It has truly dawned on me that staying connected to what feeds our soul and what makes us feel most happy, joyous and alive is what we were put here to personally express. I believe the more of us that are expressing that happiness, joy and liveliness the higher the collective vibration and better life is for all beings. This is our highest service.


Find joy, feel joy, live joy, share joy. It is our purpose and our birth-right.


Live Love,
Mesa Mermaid ️