BIG (but practical) Steps to a Greener Future

Rubber tires, steel frames and fossil fuels, this is the way we move about the planet on a daily basis. Sometimes walking on my own two feet and calling a cave my home sounds far more attractive and genuine than burdening the planet with my modern day human “necessities”. And this my friends and readers is my most epic internal battle. Part of me wanting to leave all of the technology and materialism behind and simply be. To just live amongst nature, somewhere warm, in a state of deep observation and connection, sowing seeds and living gently. My spirit begs for more freedom, my wings long for expansion. 


So why don’t I choose to not live this way? You, and you, and this loved one, and that dear friend, and the person who wants to grow a garden but needs a little support, and the humans that know they need to change their behaviors for the sake of their grandchildren's existence, but don’t know where to start. This is the other part of me. The part that thrives when being of help and service. My heart begs for more connection, my roots long to grow deeper.


So how do I simultaneously expand my wings while deepening my roots? 


Balance is the best answer I have come up with thus far. Integrating both characteristics instead of segregating them. I have learned to accept that the time I spend exploring underwater worlds and learning new skills is just as vital as the time I spend assisting my community and honing my strengths. While I am expanding my wings I use my roots to remain authentic and stable. While I am deepening my roots I use my wings to stay attune to possibility and opportunity. Then all the sudden I realize I cannot have powerful wings without strong roots, and I cannot have healthy roots without open wings. To stay true to myself I must feed both my spirit and my heart. It is the only way to keep my mind sane and my body healthy.


So, back to those rubber tires, steel frames and fossil fuels. Since I am a modern human choosing to remain connected to my loved ones while in service to all living beings I need to operate on a daily basis causing as little harm as possible. One of those choices has been transitioning to an electric vehicle. Yes, it still has rubber tires and a steel frame, but I have omitted the fossils fuel! Transitioning to an EV is a big sustainable move in the right direction. It is actually so important that it has made its way onto my ever evolving: 


TOP 12 List for Sustainable Modern Day Humans


1. Switch to renewable energy 

Options: solar, wind, hydro depending on your location with off-grid or grid tied capabilities. Or you can contact your local renewable energy provider and simply source your electricity from a clean option but keep your current provider. Check out Clean Choice. They are currently running a promotion! And be sure to negotiate the price and try to get them to match your current rate they most likely will 😉)


2. Transition to an Electric Vehicle!!!


3. Start Composting 

At home options: pile, tumbler, or pit. Or find a local compost pick up service near you. For all you bucks County locals check out Kona Compost and Back to Earth Compost)


4. Grow Your Own Food

Start small or go big anywhere from sprouting lentils and container planting to raised beds and hugelkultur. Need a hand getting started? Check out my Peace Gardens service. And keep an eye out for my pre-sale starting next week. Limited number available!


5. Quit Single Use Plastic

6. Repurpose, Reclaim, Reuse

Upcycle what you already have and shop second hand

7. Adopt a Plant-based, Local, Organic & Non-GMO diet


8. Use Natural, Organic & Cruelty-free Cleaning Products

9. Practice Water Conservation Techniques 

Learn more through my BEEyond Sustainability-Eco Living Course: Sacred Water


10. Make ECOSIA your new search engine and plant trees for free with your searches!

 Ecosia donates 80% or more of its profits to non-profit organizations that focus on reforestation.


11. Choose banking and investments that do not support and fund the fossil fuel industry and deforestation.

12. Plant More Trees!


Driving an electric vehicle is a lifestyle adjustment. Especially if you can’t afford a top of the line models or don’t have the means to install a fast charger at your house. But trust me if I can do it, you can do it. Two years ago I made the switch to a Nissan Leaf. Driving an electric vehicle adds another beautiful layer of awareness, connection and respect to daily existence. My Nissan Leaf has a 140 miles range which means to be safe I charge every 120 miles. Plotting out longer trips and stopping to charge forces me to slow down. But for daily driving I simply trickle charge overnight on with just a standard wall outlet! And... if your house is powered by renewable energy then so is your car! And... you never have to go to the gas station again. And… say goodbye to oil changes. 


It feels so satisfying and empowering to no longer be dependent on an industry that is so deeply linked to the destruction of our beloved planet. I hope you will join me on the journey of restoring our environment and our connection to her. A journey of living greener together.