Yoga Minis | 10 Breaths

Sometimes all we need, have time for or can do is take a few deep breaths. One of my greatest allies is the practice of 10 Breaths, just breathing and doing absolutely NOTHING else. I can be sitting, standing or lying down, in my car, in my bed or on the toilet, it doesn’t matter. What does matter is that I take a few moments to simply be, to just feel the life force energy move through my body. In these moments I am not thinking, doing, trying or fixing. And since this is such a short simple practice I can not find an excuse to get out of it. The calming energy this practice creates in our being does not only benefit ourselves but is beneficial to everything. It changes our frequency on an energetic level recalibrating to a more natural, grateful, connected state of being. 

To help quiet my mind I often count on the inhale and repeat the word NOTHING on the exhale. Reminding myself that in this moment there is nothing to do, nowhere to be and nothing to cling or grasp to. 

I hope you will join me today for a few moments now. Just go for it!  Wherever you are, make yourself a little bit more comfortable, close your eyes and then let your body's weight release into your points of contact with the Earth more and more with every exhale. Let yourself be and do nothing.